Mannequin Factory

“The Mannequin series came about after a commission for The Guardian Fashion Magazine in  a North London mannequin factory.  What fascinated me was the macabre feel of the location.  Limbs, heads and torsos were stacked on racks and packed into boxes, dummies standing in formation waiting to be shipped out or looming in the shadows of spray rooms.

I was also intrigued by the workers interaction with the mannequins.  I loved the way they handled the naked forms, carried and worked on them with spray guns, sanders and staplers, making these beautiful sculptured forms seem even more vulnerable.  I wanted my portraits to look at their desensitised relationship with these human forms.”
Photographer: Dylan Collard

Mannequin Factory Boss: You know, you could get the dummy of the week award, Switcher.
Jonathan Switcher: She turned out pretty good, didn’t she?
Mannequin Factory Boss: I wasn’t talking about her.
Mannequin 1987

Double shot of fox 
Another Minimal Shot
Oversized props


  1. helensadornmentsblog

    Very interesting photo shoot. I think it is interesting that these forms are sculpted and worked on by individuals. I would have thought this was a more automated process.

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