Hotel Black and White


Nicoline Patricia Malina was born in Surabaya, studied Fine Art in Utrecht, and currently shooting in Jakarta. Her photographic aesthetic is distinctive; rich colors and impeccable sense of details dominate the scene, combined with raw and cinematic black and white. From natural landscape to a tiny hotel rooms, she makes them all appear as if they are sets which have been specifically constructed for the shoot taking place.

This series is entitled HOTELHOTEL, and it was shot in  Amsterdam, Paris and Shanghai. I´ve always loved black and white photos, this is awesome and the models are stunning, sexy and feminine. Enjoy

“There was a girl knocking on my hotel room door all night! Finally, I let her out.” Henny Youngman

Black is the new Black
Nothing but raw

Beyond reality

Blanc and Noir
A poem is a naked person
Hush Hush
Alien twist in a human body

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